Books I’m Reading in June

Can you believe that May is already over? Time is so relative. I thought I didn't read much but looking back I've actually written 11 posts, read 6 books and DNFed 2-3. Haha, what constitutes as 'reading much' is relative, too. Links to 'read' books will direct you to my reviews and the ones for... Continue Reading →

The Bearer’s Burden by Chad Queen (Book Review & Intl Giveaway)

The Bearer's Burden, a debut novel by Chad Queen, is an explosive Sci-Fi adventure about one guy's road to avenging his love ones while struggling to rein in...

Tea Tuesday #3

Brewing tea... May is going to be a packed month for me! My trigger-happy finger requested so many books without paying attention to the May publishing dates 😓 I've now scheduled them accordingly and these are the 3 books I'm reading this week: The Bearer's Burden by Chad Queen Archer Coe by Jamie S. Rich... Continue Reading →

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